Know About The Role Of ICO Marketing Firm In Cryptocurrency Exchange Platforms

Thomas Hobbes
5 min readNov 19, 2020


Let’s Start By Defining ICO

ICO stands for Initial Coin Offering and it is the process of raising money for cryptocurrency projects. It involves selling a portion of cryptocurrency to investors in exchange for bitcoins or legal tender. The other service is IPO where investors directly buy the company shares.

ICO has seen a surge in recent times. The best year so far for the ICOs is 2017, during which it has managed to create a revenue of 5.6 billion dollars. In the same year, 436 Cryptocurrency ventures emerged and contributed to the overall growth of crypto platforms.

ICO data reveals that though it has recorded a notable development in the technology market, only 48% of the ICO service providers have managed to reach the threshold profit margin while the remaining were seen struggling even to attain a decent position.

To excel in the cryptocurrency market, the businesses should start reaching out to ICO marketing companies for seeking guidance in knowing about the effective usage of marketing strategies.

A List OF ICO Marketing Techniques That Has Ruled the Crypto Platform

  1. Customized Website:

An ICO website acts as a foundation for users to decide on their preferred services. It gives a first impression to the users about the ICO service providers. A well crafted website attracts the traffic and converts them into a user. The layout of the website should be simple and must enable the user to understand the core message in a short time frame. Too much information on the website will drive away the traffic and spoil the reputation of ICO marketing firms.

2. Educate The Audience By Sharing Valuable Posts:

All the information regarding your ICO Marketing Service Company should be frequently shared in the website. This creates a sense of trust among the investors. The content on the website should be easily accessible such that the users can grasp the information without any difficulty. The important action on the website is to include call to action detail. This enables the target audience to connect with the service providers.

3. Role Of Social Media Platform:

An invaluable tool for the ICO marketing companies are the social media platforms. The success and failure of any ICO marketing firm depends on how well they communicate about the application features with the like minded investors. As there is an increase in usage of social media platforms, the service providers have already started using it to market their software. Let’s look at how the marketing strategies are being carried out in some of the leading social media platforms.

A) Facebook:

There are several groups and pages on Facebook where people discuss blockchain, Cryptocurrency, ICO techniques, and so on. This will be the right platform for the businesses to promote their services and increase their customer base.

B) Reddit:

Here, the ICO marketing firms can get a large exposure to crypto communities. The service providers can interact with the investors in the form of subreddit and thread communication.

C) Telegram:

People started to prefer telegram for its exceptional community handling and messaging features. The platform has a vast crypto community members which makes it easy for the ICO marketing service companies to advertise their products without any difficulties.

D) Quora:

Frequent sharing of contents and interacting in message threads will help the ICO marketing companies to find out the people with similar interests in Cryptocurrency solutions.

E) Specialized Forums:

The cryptocurrency enthusiast and investors will be active in forums related to Cryptocurrencies or bitcoins. The ICO marketing companies can use this place to share about their products and services with target audiences and investors.

4. Marketing Through Media:

The best way to carry out this process is to do an extensive public relation outreach. This can be easily accomplished by practicing frequent press releases. To do an effective press release the ICO marketing service companies can approach top tier websites by which they can be sure to attain an effective marketing result.

If the allocated budget is more, you can rent agencies to take care of your marketing side. Since they would be specialized in doing promotions, we can expect a good marketing result from their service.

If the budget is less, move forward with a do-it-yourself approach. Though the required effort is more, the learning curve for the firms will be high which will be useful in future promotions. Take efforts to frame quality marketing plans and it would really help you in achieving your desired results.

5. Effective Campaigns:

This type of marketing involves giving incentives and rewards to users for their active contributions in achieving the tasks. These techniques promote your products or services to a larger extent. Too much of incentive will result in creating a bad impression among your users while less promotions will not be effective and cannot help in reaching your marketing goals.

6. ICO Listings :

Top sites frequently display a list of reliable ICOs on their website. If necessary steps are taken to display the ICO information on such websites, it will result in multiplying your total users and investors.

Steps To Be Successful

Whatever marketing strategies you use there are lots of competitors in the market. You have to be the best to get the necessary attention from the Crypto market. Following are some of the steps to become a successful ICO marketing company.

Know Your Audience:

Though the interest in cryptocurrencies is constantly growing among the people, it’s not necessary to promote your firm to a huge crowd. To avoid conversing with unnecessary groups of audiences, proper research has to be done before channelising your target audiences.

Discuss With ICO Experts:

ICO experts can share their industry experiences with you which will be helpful for framing effective marketing techniques. Seek regular guidance from ICO advisors to oversee your projects. They can educate you on the Dos and Don’ts for achieving the desired results.

Be Transparent:

To make ICO successful, transparency of your business is very important. This will increase the trust and confidence among the potential buyers. Share the information about the team members and financial matters with the investors. Always be ready with a reliable support team to solve the buyer’s questions and concerns in the online forums.

The other important step in this process involves sharing your experience with like-minded audiences, this will result in converting your buyers to supporters. Last but not least make sure to follow all the SEC guidelines to run a victorious ICO marketing service company.



Thomas Hobbes

Thomas Hobbes is a growth hacker and marketing adviser for small and medium business.