Smart Contract-Based MLM on TRON

Thomas Hobbes
5 min readOct 28, 2020



It has been a little over a decade ever since the first cryptocurrency and blockchain technology has been introduced to the world, and it has made massive strides even in this small stretch of time.

Although bitcoin enjoys better patronage and awareness than Ethereum, these two blockchains can be considered the top of the totem pole. While bitcoin has gone on to establish itself in the territory of transactions, Ethereum has expanded into maximizing the utility of the blockchain to technology with smart contracts. It is not an exaggeration to say that most of the blockchain-based crowdfunding efforts like Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs), Initial Exchange Offering (IEOs), and Security Token offerings (STOs) have been using the Ethereum blockchain.

Another area in which Ethereum or its derivatives can find extensive application is in the territory of MLMs. Multi-level marketing, of late, has been facing a lot of challenges, and the transparency, security, and immutability of blockchain technology can come to the forefront in handling these challenges. All these requirements can be embedded in the smart contract.

In the oncoming lines, we will discuss smart contact-based MLM on TRON, one of the derivatives of Ethereum blockchain.

What is a TRON Smart Contract?

A smart contract, by definition, is a self-executing mini-program that lies within the blockchain. It is designed to be rigid and to execute certain actions only upon certain conditions being met. Each blockchain has its own smart contract, and the way in which smart contracts can be customized in the TRON blockchain makes it an ideal candidate for powering MLM projects.

Tron Smart Contract MLM

Tron is a feature-filled smart contract based platform which enables the utmost scalability, a high rate of throughput, and robust availability for the listed Decentralized Applications (DApps) in the TRON ecosystem.

Then we talk about a smart contract MLM on the TRON network, we are not only talking about the smart contract but rather a fully decentralized MLM business powered by decentralized applications running the TRON smart contract. Just like any other blockchain network, the TRON blockchain uses its customized tokens called TRX as the rewarding mechanism.


There are different blockchains, and many experts would suggest going with Ethereum rather than anything else. What is it that makes TRON special? TRON has created a token standard that makes it easy to access a repository of resources and to create an extremely reliable environment congenial for operations. It also makes it easy for you as an MLM entrepreneur to create tools that might help you in outranking your competitors when it comes to performance and marketability.

One of the most important features that make TRON a preferred choice for MLM smart contract development is the fact that it can execute more than 2000 transactions per second where is the Ethereum blockchain can only handle about 130 transactions per second — it makes TRON remarkably faster than Ethereum or any other smart contract in the vicinity.

In addition to this enhanced transaction capacity, TRON also brings a host of other advantages. It is one of the most highly guaranteed platforms is built on the Ethereum smart contract. TRON also promises high levels of security which should be considered a thing of paramount importance when it comes to a smart contract-based MLM development. Just like any other blockchain-based process, the TRON smart contact-based MLM helps in increasing the trustworthiness among the users and the intensity of trust is expected to increase with every new user being added.

The General Advantages

So far, we have been looking specifically at the TRON blockchain and the advantages that it brings to the MLM industry. Not quite specific to TRON or Ethereum, there are a lot of advantages that blockchain technology brings to the world of multi-level marketing.

  • Immutability — the entries made on the TRON blockchain cannot be changed. It only ensures that all the sales data of the MLM is kept intact without any compromises in integrity.
  • Transparency — the records entered on the blockchain viewable by everyone, enhancing trust true transparency. The legitimacy of a commission becomes irrefutable and stays unchallenged.
  • Accessibility — today, the possibilities of paying out the commissions for either referral sales or for recruiting new members is done through elements of classical finance like banks. This heavily limits the availability of the MLM earning opportunities to people who have access to banking. With the blockchain to technology, however, it is just enough if a connected device exists in the hands of users, and they will reap the benefits of the MLM business.
  • Automation — since the smart contracts are designed in such a way to execute payments and commissions upon certain conditions being met, it greatly reduces the uncertainty and the inaccuracy associated with human effort.
  • Security — as you may have known, making a change to the data stored on the blocks of the blockchain need consent from every party in the network. Therefore, it might not be possible to tamper with sensitive data when it comes to MLM businesses like sales, commissions, and the number of referrals.

Smart Contract Based MLM Development on TRON

Know that the credibility and the relevance of the TRON blockchain have been established, you will need to embark on your endeavor of smart contract MLM development on TRON. Before you start, you will need to have thorough details of your MLM business and project.


When you have everything ready, all you need to do is get in touch with the company that specializes in smart contract-based MLM development on TRON. These companies will not only have the technical expertise to get things rolling on the technology front, but will also be able to advise you on fine-tuning our business idea, so you can constructively exploit the best advantages that the TRON blockchain might be able to offer.

There are a lot of ready-made TRON MLM smart contract scripts available in the market. Even if you have to utilize one of them, you would still need an expert blockchain development company to understand your requirement and shape up the script accordingly. Once they have a good understanding of your business requirements, brand, and design needs, they will be able to work on your smart contract-based MLM development on TRON and present you with a final product that will equip you with all the armament you need to take on the world with your MLM project.



Thomas Hobbes
Thomas Hobbes

Written by Thomas Hobbes

Thomas Hobbes is a growth hacker and marketing adviser for small and medium business.

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